With cold and flu season officially here, you’re likely extra cautious about washing your hands and sneezing into your elbow.
While cold weather itself does not cause illness, sudden temperature drops and dry air can weaken your body's defence against ...
nasal passages, throat and more due to dry air, according to experts. (But keep in mind, humidifiers require weekly cleaning to avoid build up of mold and bacteria.) To help you determine the best ...
And contrary to what grandmothers often advise, steer clear of warm-mist humidifiers if you have a cold. The warm moisture can cause your nasal passages to swell, which actually makes breathing ...
Many of the home remedies that ease symptoms in adults will also help a child with nasal congestion and sinus pressure. Be sure to give them plenty of fluids. You can also try: Humidifiers Saline ...
The result of this increase in humidity can be a game-changer for many people, particularly those suffering from dry skin and nasal congestion. In some cases, it can also ease allergies symptoms ...