UNITED NATIONS, Dec. 23 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council on Monday expressed "deep concern" over the deteriorating crises in Haiti, condemning the continued gang violence and calling for solidarity ...
Choi, also the deputy prime minister for economic affairs, is poised to assume the role following the suspension of acting ...
综合韩联社、路透社报导,拜登于南韩当地时间今日上午和代行总统职权的南韩国务总理韩悳洙通话,这是总统尹锡悦因戒严令风波遭国会弹劾的第2天。 拜登在通话中正面评价南韩的民主韧性,表示相信南韩的民主制度,强调坚若磐石的美韩同盟不变,将持续和南韩强化美韩同盟 ...
盖世汽车讯 据彭博社报道,美国现任总统乔•拜登(Joe Biden)领导的政府将在未来几天启动一项针对中国半导体的贸易调查,这是美国为保护半导体供应链安全所做的部分努力。美国官员认为,半导体对美国国家安全至关重要。
The mainland encourages Taiwan businesses to engage in emerging industries such as industrial Internet, artificial ...
BEIJING, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged further deepening rural reform and making solid advances toward the goal of building up China's strength in agriculture.
欧洲一体化在欧盟媒体中的话语框架:乌克兰危机后的行为体、叙事和政策作者:Andrea Capati,路易斯大学政治学系博士后研究员及兼职教授。来源:Capati, A. The discursive framing of European ...
A deep dive into China's evolving industrial and import landscapes over the past 23 years helps reveal China's growth pains ...