when the world’s major diamond producers and buyers met to address growing concerns, and the threat of a consumer boycott, over the sale of rough, uncut diamonds to fund the brutal civil wars of ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Rough diamonds, fit for cutting, are sold at 41 13s. 4d., to 42 the carat. A carat is rather more than three grains, and 156 carats equal to one ounce Troy. But if the stones ' are above one carat ...
图 1. 洛杉矶自然历史博物馆天然辐彩 (Natural Radiance) 绿色钻石展览展出的部分裸钻和已镶嵌钻石。左:一颗 4.17 克拉艳彩黄绿色裸钻。中:一颗 1.53 克拉浓彩绿色钻石镶嵌在铂金戒指上。右:一颗未镶嵌 1.92 克拉艳彩绿-黄色钻石。照片版权归 Optimum Diamonds 所有。
实验室制造 CVD 钻石原石(左)、实验室制造 HPHT 钻石原石(中)以及天然钻石原石(右) 两颗刻面结晶碳的样本 — 均如水晶般清澈,在直射光下发出千变万化的光谱颜色。看上去完全相同。但是,一颗有着十亿年以上的历史,另一颗则是最近在实验室中培育 ...
SURAT: An appeal to voluntarily cease import of natural rough diamonds from October 15 to December 15 has been made by top five organsations representing diamond trade in the country. The appeal ...
On August 21, Lucara Diamond Corp. announced their discovery of a 2,492-carat diamond unearthed in a mine in Botswana. At that size, the precious stone is said to be the second largest rough diamond ...
Many diamonds actually show very pale colours, most often in shades of yellow, brown and grey. They are rejected as gemstones and used in industry instead, often as abrasives. However, on the rare ...
Bloomberg reported Monday on the price cuts that unnamed sources told the outlet the diamond miner and seller had applied to their initial sale of the ... be cheaper than natural ones, have ...
notes Sanderson just as synthetics threaten to become "a significantdrag on natural rough diamond demand growth", according to UBS analysts.The upshot? Synthetic diamonds, which now make up 2% of ...