Erectile dysfunction. Men or people assigned male at birth who have neurogenic bladder can have problems with sexual function, including infertility. You may have trouble getting an erection ...
this is not the case in those with additional incomplete emptying; it is in these cases that investigations determining management are most important. The investigations of patients with neurogenic ...
Often patients cannot gauge the extent to which they have incomplete bladder emptying, but it has been shown that those who suspect that they have this problem are often correct. [2] It is ...
Neurogenic erectile dysfunction, characterized by neurological repair disorders and progressive corpus cavernosum fibrosis (CCF), is an unbearable disease with limited treatment success. IL-17A ...
Whilst in the storage phase, detrusor pressure does not rise. This is because the bladder fills as a result of inhibition of parasympathetic innervation of the detrusor, and pressure within the ...
Self-care with overactive bladder involves making lifestyle changes, taking medications, going to physical therapy, and ...
Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition that affects the bladder While there is no cure for it healthy lifestyle habits can help manage it ...
Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction, Ocular Hypertension, Open-Angle Glaucoma, Congestive Heart Failure (Heart Failure), Left Ventricular Dysfunction, and Esophageal Achalasia. It also reviews key players ...
The infusion rate of 50 mL/min may be a little fast for neurogenic patients, which might affect the present result. Nevertheless, this study might be able to provide an appropriate formula ...