Marvel Studios is working on a new series about Nova, a cosmic superhero from the Marvel universe. The show is described as a “fantastic ensemble piece,” hinting that it will feature multiple members ...
Who are the Marvel Rivals characters? With any new Marvel game comes playable Marvel characters, and in Netease and Marvel Games’ new 6-vs-6 shooter, there are plenty to choose from. Spanning ...
There are rumors that The Hood will actually turn into the MCU's first iteration of Ghost Rider ... Feige said "It's [a Nova show] three or four years out." Marvel insider DanielRPK says that ...
The anticipation for upcoming Marvel movies as well as upcoming DC movies may be higher than ever, considering the insane amount of new films on the bill. There are plenty of comic book movies ...
Who are the best Marvel Rivals characters? Marvel and NetEase’s star-studded hero (and villain) shooter is filled with fan-favorite characters from across the multiverse. While each character ...