Primary and secondary schools across multiple Chinese cities have extended class breaks from 10 to 15 minutes from the start of the fall semester in an effort to encourage outdoor activities among ...
The Israeli military on Thursday night instructed residents in dozens of northern communities to stay near shelters and avoid ...
朱诺冰川 位于 阿拉斯加州(Alaska)的朱诺市(Juneau)附近,是北美最大(North America's Largest)的冰川之一。冰川覆盖了约2000平方公里(Approximately 2,000 Square ...
比利牛斯山脉(Pyrenees)位于法国和西班牙之间,形成了这两个国家的自然边界。该山脉从大西洋延伸到地中海,拥有雄伟的山峰、深邃的峡谷和美丽的湖泊。比利牛斯山脉以其壮丽的自然景观、丰富的生物多样性和悠久的历史文化吸引了众多游客。这里不仅适合徒步旅行 ...
As the summer vacation comes to an end, the Guizhou Provincial Library, the Guiyang Children's Library, the Zhongshuge Bookstore, and other libraries and bookstores are still bustling with activity. 暑 ...
对于年轻的专业人士来说,少数几个州具有明显的优势。金融咨询公司SmartAsset利用美国国税局(IRS)的数据,对年收入至少20万美元的年轻人迁居最多的州进行了分析和排名。不出所料,排在榜首的两个州——佛罗里达州和得克萨斯州——是不征收州所得税的, ...
The strongest storm to make landfall in Shanghai in recent decades was Typhoon Gloria in 1949, which tore through the city ...
东非大裂谷内有多个著名湖泊,如维多利亚湖 (Lake Victoria)、坦噶尼喀湖 (Lake Tanganyika)和内陆湖 (Lake Nakuru)。这些湖泊不仅是观鸟爱好者的天堂,也是野生动物观察和水上活动的理想场所。