Auto123 présente ses choix des meilleurs VUS hybrides rechargeables disponibles actuellement ou très bientôt au Canada en ...
After driving the Kia Sportage PHEV for a week, I’m convinced it’s one of the more sensibly priced models on the market right ...
这种多方面的明显改善,直接推动了消费者对可油可电的插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)和增程式电动汽车(REEV)的接受度持续攀升。如今,不仅传统 ...
The SUV concept will premiere at the Tokyo Auto Salon, alongside modified versions of the Triton pickup and the Delica D:5 ...
如果说之前的岚图梦想家PHEV偏家用、缺乏豪华感,那么全新版本的岚图梦想家PHEV一定是高端商务MPV绕不开的选择之一。因为相比之下,新款岚图 ...
While plug-in hybrids are still concept for cars, there are four PHEV Sprinter vans running on the streets now. It's part of a test program that eventually will see more than 20 Dodge Sprinters in ...
Is the Lexus RX Plug-In Hybrid the Japanese brand's best electrified option? Find out why it's worth considering here.
The recall is a little more complex than a fuel line that can simply get knocked out of position in a crash. Kia says that in ...
快科技12月11日消息,日前,上汽通用别克GL8 LS PHEV的更多信息近日曝光。 据悉,该车型搭载1.5T插电混动系统,工信部纯电续航里程为111公里。