看完影片,是不是感觉空气里都充满浪漫的粉红泡泡?这三支影片,是我们为今年Pandora的520campaign准备的。KARMAer已经浸泡在这样的粉红泡泡里小半年了。 把时间线拉回接brief的那一天,目标和任务都很清晰:让大家在520这个“表达爱”的节日里,第一时间联想到 ...
2024年08月15日,Pandora潘多拉珠宝于上海愚见·观池举办了全新PANDORA ESSENCE天性系列预览活动,品牌高层及媒体、KOL等嘉宾莅临现场,共同臻启PANDORA ESSENCE新篇,探索Pandora潘多拉珠宝「BE LOVE」的故事。 活动以俄罗斯著名舞蹈家Guoenko Maria女士为PANDORA ESSENCE天性系列 ...
因此,KARMA提出了一个大胆的想法,与消费者沟通「对旅行的期待」,如同制定旅行To do list,鼓励消费者将一枚枚旅行心愿托付在一颗颗潘多拉串饰上,无论能不能在黄金周出远门,都可以将这份期盼戴在手上,并相信在不久的将来能如愿实现。 对潘多拉品牌 ...
全球奢侈时尚市场亟需破局思维。 在今年充满挑战的时尚零售市场,赢家屈指可数,更令人意想不到的是,丹麦珠宝制造商潘多拉Pandora也是其中之一。 自今年年初,这家公司股价累计上涨23%,市值达到913亿丹麦克朗,约合972亿人民币,这也创下上市14年来新高。
Pandora潘多拉珠宝回溯本源,以革新之姿推出全新PANDORA ESSENCE系列,聆听每件珠宝作品的鎏金秘语。PANDORA ESSENCE系列灵感源自自然万物之形与流体线条,结合北欧极简美学,彰显恣意个性。本系列由「天性」和「不哭」两大主题组成,在「天性」主题中,我们聚焦 ...
Pandora潘多拉珠宝近期在上海愚见·观池展示全新“PANDORA ESSENCE天性系列”作品。 产品陈列区是此次预览活动的亮点,以鎏金细沙还原沙漠的涟漪纹理、用风干的树木、枝叶、花朵、石块模仿天然生态,全新在新品展览现场,潘多拉以鎏金细沙还原沙漠的涟漪纹理 ...
THE biggest sale event of the year is getting tantalisingly close – and if it's stunning jewellery you're after, the Pandora Black Friday deals will be unmissable. Perfect whether you're ...
What type of products do Pandora offer? Pandora offers a quality range of Jewellery & Watches products. Which similar shops have promo codes? Along with Pandora, some Jewellery & Watches shops you can ...
Pandora has a range of jewellery featuring the brand’s lab-created diamonds. Online prices start from £225 and go up to £2990. They have a selection of rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets ...
Think charms and you think Pandora. Its endlessly customisable bracelets and necklaces have been ever ... making it ideal for hanging on necklaces and hoop earrings, and two sizes – standard and maxi ...
earrings, bracelets and necklaces and for the first time, it is presenting lab-grown diamonds in its flagship charms, what the company calls the “universe that is at the heart of Pandora.” ...
育碧为PS5和Xbox Series X/S平台提供了《阿凡达:潘多拉边境》的免费试玩,但PC玩家没有资格参与此次活动。该试玩活动即日起开放,截止到7月28日。