Legislation that has the potential to protect the ag chemical company Bayer from Iowa lawsuits related to its weed killer Roundup is likely to be considered again in this upcoming legislative session.
Baby food labels will disclose levels of lead and other toxic heavy metals via QR codes, thanks to a California law taking ...
This site displays a prototype of a “Web 2.0” version of the daily Federal Register. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Register, and does not replace the official print version or the ...
approval criteria and product labels could soon better reflect how they are used in the real world and result in more efficient and sustainable PPP use. At present, the vast majority of pesticide ...
You can also find a searchable database of pesticide testing reports in this ... which awards its ECCO label to brands that meet its requirements. Killings, including a notorious massacre, in ...
And it is a felony to use a pesticide in violation of its EPA-approved label. California therefore confines cannabis growers to fighting insects and molds with natural predators, bacterial ...
The health effects noted in animals occur at doses more than 100-times higher (and often much higher) than levels to which humans are normally exposed when pesticide products are used according to ...
and Podosphaera spp.) and botrytis blight (Botrytis spp.) on greenhouse grown ornamentals and outdoor ornamentals. This evaluation was completed under the User Requested Minor Use Label Expansion ...
Politico reported: Sen. Lisa Murkowski said Thursday she felt ‘more comfortable’ with no party label than with ‘an identity as a Republican,’ an escalation of the Alaska senator’s ...
Eli Lilly & Co.’s weight-loss and diabetes drug Mounjaro won’t be reclassified as a sleep apnea treatment in Europe, with regulators saying Friday that use of the drug is already covered in ...
linked to pesticide labels. EPA’s decision on glufosinate employs the Herbicide Strategy Framework to identify mitigation measures for potential impacts on endangered species—before completing the ...
The toothpaste aisle can be a confusing place, with a huge variety of claims touted on product labels. Companies tend to emphasize one possible benefit of a toothpaste, but that doesn’t mean ...