最近,深圳市一家创新型公司力童,为特斯拉Model 3焕新版量身开发了一款HUB中控拓展坞,通过点烟器连接汽车,提供2个快充接口和2条伸缩充电线 ...
其针对电源采用垂直安装的双仓机箱做了优化,采用了创新型的L型接线面板设计,并集成USB HUB,以适应现今玩家的装机需求。 近日,该系列电源已 ...
今天体验的这款是缤特力FIT2100,它采用的是耳挂式的设计,专门为运动而生,支持蓝牙5.0、IP57防尘防水、一次满电7h续航,半开放的耳塞更多了一份 ...
Apple gives iOS a major update each year, usually introducing new features and some stability upgrades to the previous version, plus numerous smaller updates in between. The latest version of iOS ...
轻便小巧的耳机,便于携带。采用高气密性耳垫,柔软贴合耳朵,长时间佩戴也不会感到不适。内置降噪技术,有效降低背景 ...
That might sound like a bit of a downer, but there’s a silver lining: the 400 PROs’ stereo audio does a remarkable job with directional audio. I was able to orient myself in any game, so ...
The latest tiny10 release, version 23H2, is now available for download with numerous improvements over the previous editions. The big refresh begins! Introducing tiny10 23H2 x64! This much ...
9月10日,伊力特涨0.56%,成交额3492.58万元,换手率0.52%,总市值67.97亿元。 根据AI大模型测算伊力特后市走势。短期趋势看 ...
A Hong Kong man has been sentenced to 14 months in prison for sedition under the city's new national security law after wearing a T-shirt with a protest slogan. The court ruled that the slogan ...
Zaha Hadid Architects won the competition in 2019 to design this transport hub, serving as a multi-modal transport hub for city commuters, international rail passengers, and air travelers using ...