However, depending on what credit card you used to make the purchase, you may not be out of luck. Many of the best credit cards come with built-in insurance coverages, including purchase protection.
Edible Arrangements: You can get a free 6-count chocolate-dipped fruit box on your birthday, if you’re a rewards member. Plus, if you sign up, you can get $5 off your next order and one ...
Not All Tech Giants Are American E-commerce is often seen as synonymous with Amazon in Western countries. However, Jeff Bezos' company has actually been facing increasing competition in markets abroad ...
In a three-hour interview with American podcaster Lex Fridman released on Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed deep disdain for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who he called a ...
Judge Juan Merchan signaled he is inclined to impose no punishment for Trump’s 34-count felony conviction, given concerns about his immunity from criminal prosecution upon taking the oath of office.
The military government of Myanmar released 5,864 prisoners on Saturday. The mass amnesty was to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the country’s independence from British colonial rule. The terms of ...
“Even though it’s taken longer than what we had hoped for, it’s just going to be a great space for people to enjoy and events to be held for the future,” the town green committee co-chair ...
A new report highlights the changing perceptions of travel media and marketing, exploring how luxury and lifestyle hotel brands can succeed in attracting a dynamically diverse cohort of luxury ...
However, it’s worth noting that Active Player uses educated guesses to discover the player count, so while it offers a decent indicator, these numbers are by no means perfect. Overall, ...
SARAJEVO, Jan 2 (Reuters) - Bosnia's international peace envoy on Thursday sought to keep the country's European Union integration on track by rejecting the Serb Republic parliament's orders last ...