BEIJING, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- China's top economic planner has established a department to support the development of the burgeoning low-altitude economy, as the country strives to foster new growth ...
BEIJING, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- China strongly urges the United States to abandon its Cold War mentality and ideological bias, ...
Chinese Premier Li Qiang on December 23 presided over a State Council executive meeting that approved a guideline on strictly regulating enterprise-related administrative inspections and made ...
China has lodged solemn representations with the United States over signing into law the National Defense Authorization Act ...
《经济通通讯社20日专讯》小菜园(00999)今日首挂开报9元,随后全日大部分时间维持于8﹒7元至8﹒9元横行,临收市前突然发力,最终以接近全日最高位收市,收报9﹒66元,较招股价8﹒5元高出13﹒6%;成交779﹒96万股,涉资6873万元。不考虑交易费用,一手800股计每手帐面赚928元。 ... 观看全文 《经济通通讯社20日专讯》内地连锁家常菜餐厅小菜园(00999)今日首挂,开报9元,较 ...
“在当前严峻复杂的国际环境下,推动共建‘一带一路’高质量发展机遇和挑战并存,但总体上机遇大于挑战。” 习近平总书记在第四次“一带一路”建设工作座谈会上发表重要讲话,深刻洞察国际格局演变和全球发展大势,准确把握当前面临的机遇和挑战,对 ...
根据《中华人民共和国出口管制法》等法律法规有关规定,为维护国家安全和利益、履行防扩散等国际义务,决定加强相关两用物项对美国出口管制。现将有关事项公告如下: 一、禁止两用物项对美国军事用户或军事用途出口。 二、原则上不予许可镓、锗、锑 ...