盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,当地时间9月23日,软件定义汽车系统与解决方案供应商Sibros宣布,FutureMotiv公司已经选用其Deep Connected平台,用于增强其为全球OEM提供的多样化工程服务产品组合。
盼星星盼月亮的国庆假期就快要来了!大家准备好了吗?抱歉!我现在的心都是飘起来~~~今年国庆假期大家计划去哪里旅游呢?哪些城市最火爆?哪些线路比较热门?如何提高候补成功率?……虽然还有一天才放假但广州南站已经“闲”不住了从今天(9月29日)至10月8日 ...
Deep-learning models are being used in many fields, from health care diagnostics to financial forecasting. However, these ...
8月31日,爱尔眼科屈光手术全球专家委员、屈光青年学组副组长、 西北大学附属爱尔眼科医院党支部书记、业务副院长李康寯教授 受邀前往博鳌乐城爱尔眼科医院为2名近视患者实施新一代EVO+ICL V5晶体植入手术,并进行实时远程直播。
MIT researchers have created a quantum-based security protocol that enhances data privacy in cloud-based deep learning. By ...
Men’s Journal aims to feature only the best products and services. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a ...
The Indian Biogas Association (IBA) expects approximately Rs 1,600 crore investment during the Renewable Energy India Expo ...
这应该是来北京旅游不能错过的打卡点“北京中轴线 ...
Founded in 2018, Sibros develops firmware and software that allows carmakers to update in-vehicle software wirelessly rather ...
Indian Biogas Association (IBA) is expecting around Rs 1,600 crore investment in the sector during Renewable Energy India ...