thereby suffocating other marine life. And lastly, it emits ammonia into the water, burning the sensitive tissues of fish and blocking their gills. In short, the red algae could have fatal effects ...
A species of red algae first discovered by University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa researchers smothering coral reefs in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument has now been detected outside the ...
Secondly, it greatly reduces oxygen levels in the water, thereby suffocating other marine life. And lastly, it omits ammonia into the water, burning the sensitive tissues of fish and blocking their ...
Though this type of red algae serves an important purpose, it can smell a lot like decaying sea life, and often sends visitors hurrying in the opposite direction. But not marine biologist Jace ...
These combined studies provide key insights into how these algae respond to the current climate upheavals. Moreover, this research has highlighted other unexpected capabilities of diatoms, such as ...
Harte Research Institute (HRI) marine biologist Jace Tunnell recently explained on social media that several beachgoers reached out to him Monday asking why the thick, hairy, red algae is washing ...
For any Floridian or seasoned visitor to the state's coasts, you know it only takes a visit from one unwanted visitor to ruin any beach day — red tide. Karenia brevis is a naturally occurring, ...
Fish Oil Algae and fish oil are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, but they differ in their environmental impact, taste, and dietary suitability. Algae oil is made from marine algae, the ...