Olivia Hussey Eisley, renowned for her role as Juliet in Franco Zeffirelli’s iconic 1968 film ‘Romeo and Juliet’, has passed away at the age of 73. Hussey died on 27 December, surrounded by loved ones ...
Oscar-nominated Hollywood star Sigourney Weaver has made her West End debut as the magician Prospero in William Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and said she was glad she ...
Milei’s spokesman Manuel Adorni told journalists in a text message that Trump had invited the Argentine leader, noting how it was the first time such an invitation had been extended to the president ...
It argued that its proposals “will help unlock the full potential of the AI sector and creative industries to drive innovation, investment, and prosperity across the country, driving forward the ...
Henrich characterized the case as “especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel compared to other capital offenses.” Mahogany Jackson sent a text to her family in the early morning of Feb. 25 that shared ...