BJP Tamil Nadu president K Annamalai self-whipped to protest against the sexual assault incident at Chennai's Anna University. Through this act, he also took on MK Stalin's DMK government, calling it ...
He said, “I am going to whip myself six times in front of my house. In Tamil self flagellation or whipping is a surrender to a higher power. I have taken this decision after much consideration because ...
The protesters began whipping themselves as a form of protest. This act drew attention from passers-by and caused a commotion in the area. The BJP members argued that the self-inflicted act ...
All Democrats are expected to be in the Capitol on Friday for the vote to seat the next Speaker of the House, according to the Democratic whip’s office. The full participation of Democrats is ...
Self-assembly in granular materials is challenging due to particle collisions in the air, leading to disordered, jammed configurations, unlike fluidic systems where density and symmetry can be ...
On the BJP State president K Annamalai’s self-whip action, he wondered whether it was taught to him in the UK, where he had gone for a study. When he was asked as to what prevented the Congress ...