德亨娜·戴维森(Dehenna Davison)2019年在达勒姆郡奥克兰主教(Bishop Auckland)选区代表保守党当选。2024大选投票结束后,她说,一个政府在执政14年后赢得大选是“不寻常的”。
乌克兰总统泽伦斯基近来一直要求盟友允许乌军使用西方飞弹打击俄罗斯纵深目标,包括使用美国提供的远程「陆军战术飞弹系统」(ATACMS),以及英国的「暴风之影」(Storm Shadow)长程飞弹。基辅说,这将允许乌军限制莫斯科发动攻击的能力。
Reviews are the news at the Ministry of Defence. The Labour Party was clear in its manifesto that its priority for the ...
Grant Shapps reveals military training plans inside Ukraine - Britain has till date steered clear of formal military presence ...
Shapps says £4bn worth of contracts signed to develop attack ‘hunter-killer’ submarines - Hunter-killer Aukus submarines will ...
A gaghị enye ndị eyighị mkpuchi imi ohere ịbanye ụgbọ maọbụ a gwa ha rituo maọbụ a daa gị nha. Odeakwụkwọ maka njem bụ Grant Shapps bụ onye mara ọkwa ahụ oge ọ na-agwa ndị ntaakụkọ okwu ụbọchị Tọzde.
Former defence secretary says Prime Minister’s hesitation ‘emboldens’ Russia and ‘undermines Kyiv’s chances of victory’ ...
Instead, Shapps emphasizes, Britain should issue a direct warning to Putin, telling him the UK will contribute to the rest of ...
Grant Shapps, former UK Secretary of State for Defence, has stated that London should lift restrictions on Ukraine's use of ...
The Foreign Secretary has said that imposing a full arms embargo on Israel would be a "mistake", after he announced a partial ...
The former prime minister joined Grant Shapps, Ben Wallace, Gavin Williamson, Penny Mordaunt and Liam Fox are calling for ...
Billionaire Jeff Bezos is plotting to build a rival to the US military’s global positioning system (GPS) amid a dangerous ...