Bethlehem United的个案经理Michalina Seidl指出,节日对许多无家可归者来说格外艰难。“无论是新移民首次在异乡过圣诞,还是本地出生但因种种原因与家人疏远,这段时间会让人意识到自己不在家中,心情非常沉重。”她呼吁市民对露宿者保持善意,称他们“多数是最脆弱的人”。
KHARTOUM, Dec. 24 (Xinhua) -- The Sudanese government on Tuesday sent a humanitarian aid convoy for thousands of returnees in ...
Homeless Cat Island, a sanctuary for homeless felines in the Pudong New Area, will relocate to Baoshan District, with the ...
【侨报记者高诗云12月23日纽约报道】 旨在保护家暴受害者的《安全庇护法案》(SAFE Shelter Act)日前被州长霍楚否决,未能成为法律。发起法案的南布碌仑州参议员郭纳德对此表示不满,形容这一决定将使家暴幸存者在这个节日季陷入困境。
A:我认为我的创作主要受我的教授雷托·博勒( Reto Boller ...
Starting from the Winter Solstice, every nine days is counted as a "nine"; after nine nines, or eighty-one days, the winter cold turns into the warmth of spring. Today, there is still a saying among ...