Sleep expert Chris Tattersall claims making New Year’s “rest-olutions” can help set Brits up sleep success over the coming year and is one of the healthiest things anyone can do. Tattersal ...
A new electronic chip could bring relief to patients with a serious disorder that stops them breathing in their sleep. Eight million people in the UK suffer ... turn on the device with a remote ...
Sleep apnea is the most common cause of oxygen desaturation during sleep. ODI is measured by a pulse oximeter, which is a device typically placed on the fingertip that shines a red light on the skin ...
The study, which followed people for a year, included two analyses; one involved people who took only Zepbound and were compared to a placebo group, and another had people take Zepbound paired with a ...
Experts may recommend a custom-made mandibular advancement device (MAD), a particular type of mouthguard, for oral appliance therapy. MADs may be effective at improving sleep apnea symptoms.
If your tongue is a factor in sleep apnea, oral devices, and sleeping position training can help prevent your tongue from contributing to airway obstruction during sleep. These strategies can also ...
A 2022 study found that during sleep, mouth taping improved both snoring and sleep apnea amongst mouth breathers with mild obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), though the sample size was low (20 patients).
The researchers at Elemind devised a wearable EEG headband that uses acoustic stimulation aligned with people’s brainwaves to help them get to sleep. Essentially, the wearable device can sense when a ...
All problems (adverse events) related to a medicine or medical device used for treatment or in a procedure should be reported to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency using the ...