The Proterozoic Eon, spanning from 2,500 million to 539 million years ago, marked a transformative chapter in Earth's history ...
Geologists have long suspected that Earth's temperature dropped dramatically during this time, resulting in a frigid ...
If all the world's a stage and all the species merely players, then their exits and entrances can be found in the rock record ...
Snowball Earth defines periods of our planet's history when ice spanned the globe, even reaching the equator. The planetary-scale freeze is thought to have been driven by ice sheet expansion ...
(THE CONVERSATION) Around 700 million years ago, the Earth cooled so much that scientists believe massive ice sheets encased the entire planet like a giant snowball. This global deep freeze ...
Virginia Tech’s study traces early eukaryotic evolution, highlighting life’s diversification since 2 billion years ago.
Fossilized skeletons and shells clearly show how evolution and extinction unfolded over the past half a billion years, but a new analysis extends the chart of life to nearly 2 billion years ago. The ...
The study, led by CU Boulder, is a coup for proponents of a long-standing theory known as Snowball Earth. It posits that from about 720 to 635 million years ago, and for reasons that are still unclear ...
This global deep freeze, known as Snowball Earth, endured for tens of millions of years. Advertisement Article continues below this ad Yet, miraculously, early life not only held on, but thrived.
#NewsCONeeds Around 700 million years ago, the Earth cooled so much that scientists believe massive ice sheets encased the entire planet like a giant snowball. This global deep freeze, known as ...