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Observe gait as the patient enters the office ... test rapidity and range of foot tapping (slowed in Parkinson's disease and spasticity) and for clonus (brisk passive extensions of ankle).
Two patients with spastic diplegia secondary to prematurity have had a dramatic improvement in gait during the first 6 months after starting modafinil. Two other patients with spastic diplegia not ...
As currently there is no cure for hereditary spastic paraplegia, treatment was mainly focussed on improving the individual’s quality of life. Physiotherapy was advised to help maintain the muscle’s ...
Correspondence to Dr M Braschinsky, Department of Neurology, University of Tartu, Puusepa 2, Tartu 51014, Estonia; mark.braschinsky{at}kliinikum.ee Background Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) ...
Nabiximols and other cannabis-based preparations sometimes used with multiple sclerosis (MS) appear to work well for controlling spasticity, a common disease symptom that occurs when muscles ...
Children and parents reported reduction in fatigue and improved gait outcomes after tSCS + SBLTT. Improvements in spasticity and walking function were sustained for 8-weeks after tSCS + SBLTT.
The muscles of both hands and forearms showed atrophy and severe paresis (figure). His gait was clumsy and stiff, and there was mild spastic paraparesis. There was no sensory loss, and cerebellar ...
Stretching and strengthening Emmy’s limbs in order to give her greater range and function is the goal. For a little girl diagnosed with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, it is a Herculean task.