R is an open-source programming language for statistical computing and data analysis that is extensively used across the world. Package and functional diversity make it a necessary tool in ...
Hello. I'm Josphat, an experienced data analyst. I can handle data collection, data cleaning, data analysis, and interpretation of results using R Studio, Microsoft Excel, Stata, and Jamovi. I pride m ...
Key Points A Gage R&R is a study conducted during the MSA process. It acts as a way of determining if your measurements from ...
Improving reproducibility in Western blot experiments through rigorous design and advanced statistical analysis is crucial ...
Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON ...
In today’s data-driven world, businesses increasingly rely on data analysis to make informed decisions. Finding the best ...
MODERN statistical analysis, particularly that relating to the production of adequate and exact tests of significance, owes much to the painstaking researches of R. A. Fisher, whose text-book ...
Financial technology, commonly known as fintech, has revolutionized how businesses and consumers manage money, make payments, ...