new kid on the block Once Human is one of the best survival games in recent years. To help you get started, check out our Once Human bosses guide to learn more about what you’ll be up against ...
Survival games rely on eerie atmospheres to trigger fear and enhance gameplay. Games like The Long Dark and Alien: Isolation excel at creating a sense of dread through their haunting environments.
Pixel-Art Survival games are hard to come by ... The title is approachable if you don't mind looking at a guide occasionally and is deep enough to satisfy survival veterans.
Imagine a hardcore survival game… but it's peaceful? It sounds like a contradiction, but survival is about more than just bleeding, starving, fending off zombies or wild animals, and struggling ...
It's been some time since we've had another update on the project, but the concept and style certainly make Jurassic Park: Survival one of the most exciting new games to look forward to.