In the 2024 Lok Sabha election, Tamil Nadu witnessed a four-cornered contest: the INDIA bloc, the AIADMK-led alliance, the NDA, and the Naam Tamilar Katchi were in the game. The INDIA bloc ...
Tamil Nadu is the fourth-largest state of India. It has a diversified manufacturing sector and features among the leaders in several industries like automobiles and auto components, engineering, ...
The official calendar of holidays for 2024 was released by the Public (Miscellaneous) Department of Tamil Nadu on November 9, 2023. Students, teachers, and parents can refer to this holiday list ...
Heavy rains have been battering several districts across Tamil Nadu since the past weeks. Due to the torrential rainfall, pockets of the state have been facing issues of waterlogging and flooding.
Chennai is the largest city of Tamil Nadu with more residing population that any other city in India. As per the total passenger car sales made recently, most of the cars were bought by Chennai as ...
Tamil Nadu is the fourth largest state of India. It has a diversified manufacturing sector and features among the leaders in several industries like automobiles and auto components, engineering, ...
Tamil Nadu has the following Regional Transport Offices. Choose any of the following cities to get all the necessary details of the respective Regional Transport Offices. You can get details such ...