In its open state, the valvar leaflets are like a funnel extending from the hinge line at the atrioventricular junction to the free margins. Tendinous cords attach the leaflets to two closely arranged ...
Your back muscles support your spine, attach your pelvis and shoulders to your trunk, and provide mobility and stability to your trunk and spine. The five major muscles of the back are the trapezius, ...
4 UBC James Hogg Research Centre, Institute for Heart + Lung Health, St. Paul's Hospital, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 5 University of Calgary, McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint ...
The AOL is also the primary stabiliser to internal rotatory forces.3 4 The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, pronator teres and flexor digitorum superficialis form predominantly the musculo-tendinous unit ...
Non-synovial sites: Around axillary recess of fibrous humeroglenoidal capsule (CAP). Around tendinous origin of long head triceps brachii (LHT), Around coracoclavicular ligament (CC). Around ...
Sitting for long periods can lead to the gluteal muscles atrophying through constant pressure and disuse. This may be associated with (although not necessarily the cause of) lower back pain, ...