Parents need to know that The Blues Brothers is a classic 1980 comedy in which John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd play music-obsessed siblings trying to reunite their old band in order to save the Chicago ...
Most prominently, there’s the media circus that sprang up around the brothers’ trial, which became a sensation while airing on Court TV, but also Erik and Lyle’s eventual defense that they ...
2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会的对外赠礼里有一对景泰蓝“和合共生”对瓶。景泰蓝技艺是中国非物质文化遗产,具有极高的艺术价值和历史意义。可以看到,瓶身上还描绘了北京标志性建筑天坛和海上丝绸之路主题的画作。这件国礼为什么名为“和合共生 ...
现旅居美国的中国知名当代艺术家高氏兄弟中的哥哥、现年68岁的高兟,惊传回中国探亲时遭到逮捕。高氏兄弟曾创作毛泽东下跪忏悔雕像等触及 ...