Risk of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: A lack of Vitamin B12 or folate can lead to anemia, increasing the risk of fatigue, weakness, and body swelling. Body’s Dependency on External Sources: The human body ...
Here’s a list of 10 superfoods you should consider incorporating into your meals for a healthier, more energetic lifestyle. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress ...
9 Superfoods That Can Mess With Your Digestive System Dr Mehtab shared the following list of superfoods that can trigger digestive issues. Dr Mehtab says that while these foods are healthy and ben ...
Consuming specific superfoods like spinach, walnuts, amla, sesame seeds, spirulina, curry leaves, black sesame seeds, sweet potatoes, almonds, and carrots helps maintain natural hair color by ...