Purpose: Evidence on the efficacy and safety of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for the prevention and treatment of upper-respiratory-tract infection (URTI) in children is reviewed.
Background: Acute otitis media (AOM) often occurs as a complication of upper respiratory tract infection (URI ... of a scoring system to establish treatment criteria that will minimize antibiotic ...
The cats were taken to the Des Moines shelter Wednesday. The conditions of the cats varied, but they all have upper respiratory infections, or a “kitty cold,” Tina Updegrove, the organization ...
Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) are common presentations seen in general practice. URTI without complication (acute URTI or the ‘common cold’) is most often caused by a virus. Antibiotics ...
“Then, in light of all those activities, just not doing our normal self-care to prevent sickness then obviously that leads to more of those upper respiratory infections.” Griessel said those ...