Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) today announced it has received certification of the G5000® integrated flight deck for Cessna Citation ...
Textron Aviation announced a significant avionics upgrade to its existing fleet of Cessna Citation XLS aircraft. These ...
Garmin Earns Approval For G5000 Flight Deck For Citation XLS+, XLS Gen2 is published in The Weekly of Business Aviation, an ...
Garmin received certification of the G5000 flight deck for the Cessna Citation XLS+ and XLS Gen2 aircraft. The recent ...
每经AI快讯,周一(9月23日),国际油价小幅下跌,美油11月合约跌0.38%,报70.73美元/桶。布油12月合约跌0.19%,报73.55美元/桶。 每日经济新闻 ...
辞退员工,不论对企业还是对员工,是一个沉重的话题! 最近有个案例,因试用期解除劳动合同签署不当,要求赔偿2万。这种事件并不少见。数据显示,80%经历过劳动仲裁的HR最后败诉了。 这个比例可以说是相当高了,作为一名HR,每当要跟被辞退的员工约谈时 ...
Alcohol-free beer has been gaining popularity in recent years as beer consumption shrinks. At Weihenstephan, which ...
Textron Aviation customers can now upgrade their Cessna Citation XLS+ and Citation XLS Gen2 aircraft with the Garmin G5000.
Garmin has received retrofit certification for the G5000 integrated flight deck for Cessna Citation XLS+ and XLS Gen2.
《中储粮安徽分公司稻谷购销双向竞价专场交易细则》(2024年9月24日试行).docx 中储粮网2024年9月24日安徽分公司稻谷购销双向竞价交易清单.xls [免责声明]发布者所发布的所有信息仅供用户参考,不对任何因使用这些信息而导致的任何损失或损害承担任何责任 ...
Google's CEO Sundar Pichai stated that the PM highlighted artificial intelligence (AI) and asked the tech giants to do more ...
今天,“为新中国设计——庆祝中华人民共和国成立75周年系列特展”在中国美术学院中国国际设计博物馆开幕,本次展览入选“文化和旅游部2024年全国美术馆馆藏精品展出季活动”及浙江省委宣传部“与时代同行与人民同心”文艺巡礼活动,全面展现了新中国成立初期设计 ...