A Whole Load More Entertainment for Young & Old! Tickets are just RMB100, which gets you five RMB20 food and drink tickets.
运动员通过训练去跑得更快,投得更远,跳得更高——那么为什么不同时训练他们的大脑呢?西雅图海鹰队四分卫拉塞尔 · 威尔逊讲述了帮助他在球场内外压力之下保持专注的 "中和思维” 的作用——并且展示了怎样运用这个思维在你的人生中做出正确的决定。
在2024广州跨国企业中秋交流活动上正式发布了中英双语版的《广州外商投资发展报告2024》(下称:《报告》)The Guangzhou Foreign Investment Development Report 2024 was issued at ...
The series investigates and depicts the Yarkand River basin's development, culture, and natural beauty. The documentary tells vivid tales of interaction, integration, and communication among different ...
新闻提要■从乌干达、肯亚到奈及利亚,非洲多国青年不满物价飙涨、缺少工作机会且政局动盪,靠着社群软体号召,掀起抗议浪潮。精句选粹■Young Africans, pummeled by the rising cost of living and dissatisfied wit ...
今年4月26日至5月17日,总共四周的时间里,四十位写作者在三明治线上英文阅读写作课程中,与土耳其作家Nazli共同探索“记忆的边缘”,这节课程延续了Nazli上一期三明治课程“都市、记忆与欲望”的主题,以“记忆”为起点,鼓励写作者们通过非虚构文学对 ...
Children have their free nutritious lunch at a village kindergarten in Longshan town, Xiangxi, Hunan province, on June 27.
The very final Brooklyn Brewery Bar Crawls of 2024 is scheduled for Saturday, October 12. Tickets include a beer on arrival ...
From modern romance to period dramas, we're looking for love in all the right (and sometimes wrong) places with this collection of TV series.