The pilot plant consisted of several tanks and pumps, a fluidised bed ferric iron generating bioreactor containing immobilised acidophilic iron oxidation biomass, and all the required instrumentation ...
coli OP50 as a food source, except CL4176, which was maintained at 16°C according to standard procedures. The acidophilic dye LysoTracker Red (C1046; Beyotime Biotechnology, Shanghai, China) was used ...
Fungal biology is the scientific discipline that concerns the biology of fungi, which include unicellular microorganisms as well as large multicellular organisms. Fungal biology is sometimes ...
Plant symbiosis is the close and persistent co-existence of individuals of more than one species, at least one of which is a plant. In most cases both the plant and its symbiont derive an ...
Background: The gut microbiota is known to have a significant impact on the development of food allergy, and several recent studies have suggested that both oral microbiota, which first come into ...