ACOSS is urging the government to lift income support payments to at least $76 a day, double rent assistance and increase supplements for single parents and people living with a disability. Source ...
In a new report, welfare body ACOSS found that since interest rates started rising in mid-2022, employment at the lowest skill level has lagged. According to the report, low-end entry level jobs ...
The "mismatch" when it comes to entry-level jobs has locked more people into relying on income support long-term, the report by the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) said. ACOSS's Faces ...
Australia’s peak welfare body is urging the Albanese government to help jobseekers find work, as the number of entry level jobs declines sharply. In a new report, welfare body ACOSS found that ...
Australia's unemployment support is amongst the lowest of wealthy nations, according to ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie. The nation spends 0.4 per cent of its GDP on labour market policies, compared to ...