We determined the number of agglutinated cells by counting the number of clumps in 18 sq. mm. and estimating the number of cells in each clump. A clump was defined as any group of more than 2 cells.
Once a prolific source of fossils, the Milwaukee Formation exposures are now mostly buried, inaccessible, on private property, or located in areas where collecting is prohibited. Most of these ...
"HUMAN beings have blood group patterns as distinctive and individual as fingerprints." This is a prediction that was first suggested by Landsteiner in 1927. He had just discovered the M-N blood ...
Metal contamination in the Arctic region has increased over the years despite its remote and isolated location. Thus, to evaluate the bioavailable fractions of various metals and their effects on ...
Immunoinfertility is one of several causes of infertility in humans. Although progress on antisperm immunity and infertility has advanced during the past three decades, the nature of a real ...
Mariano Rivera Paz was born in Guatemala City and studied law in the Royal and Pontifical University of San Carlos Borromeo. The liberal criollos defeat and execution in Quetzaltenango reinforced ...
An ASA is defined as an immunoglobulin with antibody activity against a sperm antigen that plays a role in fertility, since not every antibody that binds to the sperm surface influences sperm ...