A ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip is imminent, with most of its terms already agreed upon, a senior official from the ...
Please explain “keep on top of his finances” in this sentence: He said he was going through a hard time having split up from ...
日本金宾 (Jim Beam)波本威士忌制造商三得利 (Suntory)准备应对全球贸易战风险的上升,该公司正在欧洲囤货,考虑向该地区进口更多英国苏格兰威士忌,并改变在美国的销售重点。
On October 17, 1957, Jordan Overseas Trading Company ordered three Jiefang CA10 trucks from FAW at the Second China Export ...
在步入2025年之际,美联储主席鲍威尔 (Jerome Powell)正在走钢丝,这一情形似曾相识:他试图避免与特朗普 (Donald Trump)发生冲突,尽管他的一些同事表现出不安,担忧这位候任总统的政策可能重新引发通胀压力。
China has once again sent the world a clear signal that it will prioritize bolstering growth and opening up. At the Central ...
US experts weighed in on China's annual Central Economic Work Conference, highlighting the implications of a robust Chinese economy for its global influence. They emphasized the importance of US-China ...
不过很快,CoinDesk就因为这篇报道引火烧身了。据知情人士透露,在孙宇晨团队对这篇文章表示了不满后,CoinDesk的所有者——虚拟币交易所Bullish立即要求小编将这篇文章从网站上撤下。毕竟波场也是CoinDesk的旗舰产品“共识”系列会议的 ...
无锡药明康德新药开发股份有限公司(简称:“药明康德”,证券代码:603259)日前发布公告,宣布出售公司在美国、英国从事高端治疗 CTDMO 业务的运营主体。 公告称,药明康德间接全资子公司WuXi ATU (Ireland)Holding ...
MOSCOW, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- Russia recognizes there is no easy resolution to the Ukrainian crisis and holds no illusions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday. "We have had no ...
【环球网财经报道 记者 冯超男】据如通股份披露,公司于12月26 日召开了第五届董事会第五次会议,审议通过了《关于终止认购私募投资基金份额的议案》,同意终止认购 ...
More than 35,000 jobs at the German sites will be cut in a "socially responsible manner by the end of 2030, Volkswagen said ...