NLO crystals have garnered attention due to their crucial role in all-solid-state lasers. With ongoing research, the demand ...
Giorgio Parisi, who introduced the concept of replica symmetry breaking in magnetic spin glass systems, discovered the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems ranging from ...
Hydon, P.E 2000. Symmetries and first integrals of ordinary difference equations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and ...
For the thin-shell wormholes in this paper, however, the violation has a physical explanation since it is a direct consequence of the embedding theory in conjunction with the assumption of conformal ...
Deng, Hai-Yao and Hu, Kaige 2011. Hidden rotational symmetry in a generalized Ising model with rectangular symmetry. Physica Scripta, Vol. 84, Issue. 2, p. 025011.
Many developmental processes break left–right (LR) symmetry with a consistent handedness. LR asymmetry emerges early in development, and in many species the primary determinant of this asymmetry has ...