Certain foods may encourage and improve sleep. This article explores foods and nutrients that may help you sleep.
Because of their wide range of bioactivities, many research groups worldwide are investigating the structural and functional properties of these particular compounds. Interestingly, some of the toxins ...
Mission Statement: Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that seeks to understand the sources and to encourage rigorous research ...
As we continue to investigate the mechanisms behind disease prevention, initiation, and progression, the bioactivities of plant compounds remain a crucial and compelling area of study. We want to put ...
You can get choline from both animal- and plant-based foods, including eggs and shiitake mushrooms. Choline is a nutrient needed for many bodily processes, including metabolism, neurotransmitter ...
A viral Instagram reel claims that application of soda, coffee, Colgate, tomato and lemon juice cleans your underarms in 5 ...
《甄嬛传》同款香型沐浴露,你可能正在用。 说的是力士沐浴露,近日,有网友发现力士幽莲魅肤沐浴露的配料表里有依兰花精油,而在《甄嬛传》中,依兰香是制作迷情香的重要原料,“男女欢好,以此迷情”。 图源:小红书@香脆土豆丝(已获授权) ...
Key Laboratory for Biotechnology on Medicinal Plants of Jiangsu Province, School of Life Science, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China Anhui Engineering Laboratory for Conservation ...
参考资料: [1] Loh T H T, Learn H L, Wai F Y, et al. Traditional uses, phytochemistry, and bioactivities of Cananga odorata (Ylang - Ylang)[J]. Evid-Based Compl Alt, 2015, 30: 1-28. [2 ...
依兰花的“催情传说”,主要来自影视剧。 《甄嬛传》里,甄嬛从甘露寺回宫后,请温实初来查验安陵容调配的鹅梨帐中香是否有不妥,温实初表示香本身没有问题,但在用鹅梨帐中香的时候房间内不能放依兰花,因为两物相遇会使身热情动。 图源:电视剧 ...