近日,光荣特库摩宣布开启了全新的新年促销,玩家只需以五五折191.95元的优惠价格,即可将JRPG大作《Fate/Samurai Remnant》的标准版收入囊中。
Tinnyu Brewing’s founder, Leqi, will host a wine-pouring event at Cila. Guests will have the opportunity to experience the ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@Whisper于12月21日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 前提: 多人模式下按下Enter,输入cheatstick(单人模式下盲输入即可),按F1(如果不出工作台就多试几遍) 注意: ...
Psychologically, every choice you make can be considered a trade-off because every time you make a choice, you are giving up ...
Ring in the New Year with an extraordinary celebration at Bellagio Hotel Shanghai on the North Bund, featuring two acclaimed ...
除了用 iPhone 拍摄,你还可以用这些方法获得一张 HDR 照片。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
HDR 视频大家都很熟悉了,因为视频,特别是电影,引入 HDR 技术的商业价值更高。iPhone 能拍摄杜比视界的视频,而其他品牌手机能拍摄 HDR10 兼容的视频。直播一般使用的是 HLG ...
Please explain “keep on top of his finances” in this sentence: He said he was going through a hard time having split up from ...
近日,首届The Indie Game Awards(The IGAs)在线上圆满落幕,该活动由Six One Indie主办,旨在表彰在创新、叙事和艺术性方面表现出色的独立游戏作品。2024年度的The ...
Vol.62(12 月第 3 周)本期见闻覆盖时间:12 月 16 日至 12 月 22 日本期整理:deimos行业见闻录The Indie Game Awards 获奖名单揭晓12 月 19 日,The Indie Game Awards ...
瑞杰金融(Raymond James)医疗保健研究主管约翰·兰瑟姆周二对CNBC表示,尽管共和党人有望同时掌控国会和白宫,但选前关于保险公司的论述现在看来存在更大的不确定性。