A recent fatal crash of an HAL Dhruv helicopter belonging to the Indian Coast Guard in Gujarat has once again brought the spotlight onto its developer and maker, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.
The pound is trading at $1.22 this morning – a level last seen in November 2023. Meanwhile, each day the Money blog starts with a regular feature to absorb as you wake up or during your commute ...
Money blog: World's most powerful passport named - as UK falls in ranking Singapore retains its number one position in the passport rankings, offering visa-free access to 195 countries. Elsewhere ...
Real estate giant Dar Global said it plans to expand in the U.S. and Greece after the Dubai-based developer recently unveiled projects in partnership with the Trump Organization, Reuters reported ...
A methane gas explosion caused a mine collapse in southwest Pakistan, trapping at least 12 miners. Rescue operations are ongoing in the Balochistan province with no rescues yet. The incident ...