President Joe Biden called on Congress Friday to come together to pass a continuing resolution before the government shutdown ...
(法新社华盛顿18日电) 由于共和党内部意见不一,美国联邦众议院今天否决共和党提出的一项拨款法案。美国前总统川普表示,除非满足某些条件,否则应强制让政府关门。 美国政府资金将于9月底到期,不过众院部分共和党议员今天联手民主党,以220票对202票否决这项拨款法案。
Pass a CR that extends government funding through March, or at least early 2025, and attach the Safeguard American Voter ...
Pass a CR that extends government funding through March, or at least early 2025, and attach the Safeguard American Voter ...
The following is the Sept. 12, 2024, letter from Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro to Congress on the potential effects ...
"Because we owe this to our constituents, we will move forward on Wednesday with a vote on the 6-month CR with the SAVE Act ...
A six-month stopgap defense spending bill could put the schedule of the second Columbia-class nuclear ballistic missile ...
The House vote for a continuing resolution attached to the SAVE Act failed on Wednesday night, with 202 voting in favor of the bill and 220 voting against. A total of 14 Republicans voted against the ...
综合来看, 在外需走弱的背景下,8月出口增速的反弹主要源于“抢出口”和天气因素带来的扰动,后续整体趋势上可能仍将跟随美国经济的放缓而边际走弱,出口景气可能见顶。
Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth issued a letter to Congressional leaders detailing the concerns and impacts of a six-month ...
The Navajo Nation Council passed a resolution to keep government services running for FY 2025, with President Nez awaiting ...