There’s a special magic in riding a plank of wood, or a burger tray that isn’t supposed to be for surfing. I trip out on the ...
12月25日,西南科技大学召开教师干部大会,宣布四川省委、省政府关于学校党委副书记、校长的任职决定:祝效华同志任西南科技大学党委副书记、校长。    四川省委组织部副部长袁海晗出席会议并讲话。四川省委教育工委副书记、教育厅党组成员张澜涛主持会议。绵阳 ...
Titan is one of the solar system’s most fascinating worlds for several reasons. It has something akin to a hydrological cycle, though powered by methane. It is the solar system’s second-largest ...
Alaska Sea Grant’s Marine Advisory Program in Dillingham is expanding its menu of training in skills needed to compete in ...