爱丁堡城堡(Edinburgh ...
本雅明在其著名的《摄影小史》中讨论了能够实现“对秘密的披露和对实情的建构”的摄影,它对抗的是那些自称为真实但实则虚伪的广告宣传和拼接的摄影,对此他引用了布莱希特对摄影的看法: ...
However, one stands out above the rest: the Battle of Britain Airshow, held annually by the Imperial War Museum at Duxford ...
Angela Simmons is a popular social media influencer and entrepreneur with nearly eight million followers on Instagram.
From his earliest years of picking up a saxophone after being mesmerized by a player on “The Ed Sullivan Show” (his parents ...
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or DMD, is a severe genetic disorder, typically affecting males, and is characterized by progressive ...
北极熊画廊(北京)荣幸的宣布将于2024年9月15日(周日)推出中国著名当代艺术家沈敬东个展 “这世界缺点幽默”,展览由李裕君策展。将呈现艺术家近些年创作的艺术臻品30余幅,期待您的莅临!
9月24日,OpenAI CEO山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)罕见地在其个人社交平台X上发表了一篇长文,题为《智能时代》("The Intelligence Age"),引发了超过百万次的观看。
TAIPEI, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- A special exhibition launched by the Palace Museum in Taipei is seeking to reveal the life stories of princesses from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) based on the voluminous ...
Who’ll be sitting in the Oval Office next year? It could be you. Okay, not THAT Oval Office. We’re talking about a life-size replica where people can take selfies at the president’s Resolute Desk, one ...
The 7th Hangzhou International Day kicked off on Sep 5, connecting Hangzhou with the world. This year, a series of events ...