Small changes to the sensory experience, such as dimming the lighting or providing fidget toys, make Mass more welcoming to ...
This article was originally published on The Conversation, an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. Disclosure information is available on the ...
New Jersey's newest Catholic church features a 700-seat sanctuary, salvaged stain glass, a new organ, an Italian mosaic ...
Even the language we use to speak to and of God is a challenge for many. God features so prominently in our prayerbooks but ...
On Rosh Hashanah, the two-day holiday that begins on the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 2, Jews will usher in the year 5785. Yom ...
Catholicos Garegin II warned against attempts to “battle” against the leadership of the Armenian Apostolic Church on Sunday ...
In this dirty business, you run the risk of becoming boring—repeating yourself every week, becoming a curio shelf of ...
The intellectual content at Catholic schools cannot just be "Catholic frosting on a secular cake," but should instead be like ...
Andrea Tornielli, the Editorial Director of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication says Pope Francis’ approval for ...
IN RECENT YEARS, the Diocese of Limerick, like many others, has faced a critical challenge: the significant decline in the ...
Ukraine's struggle against Russia's war is "prophetic," showing that "the defense of God-given dignity … happens at the price ...
The quavering sound of the shofar pealed through the small crowd gathered in Hostages Square on Sunday night for an evening of Selichot, the penitential prayers ...