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Northwestern Medicine conducted a groundbreaking double-lung transplant on a stage 4 colorectal cancer patient.
After facing colorectal cancer for nearly eight years, Mandy Wilk got a double-lung transplant in June at Northwestern. She ...
(9/25) USA Today: Cancer Patient Receives Double Lung Transplant At Northwestern Medicine At 34 years old, Minnesota resident Mandy Wilk thought she had just 2½ years left to live. She had been ...
A Bloomington educator who battled stage 4 colorectal cancer for nearly a decade and faced a grim prognosis is now in remission after a first-of-its-kind transplant.
You wouldn't know it, but Mandy Wilk is now three months out from a double-lung transplant and her body is now cancer free.
Surgeons at Northwestern Medicine successfully completed a double-lung transplant on a Minnesota woman who was battling ...
Northwestern Medicine surgeons performed a novel procedure in June, curing a 42-year-old patient with Stage 4 colon cancer by ...
Surgeons at Chicago's Northwestern Medicine gave Mandy Wilk, a cancer patient, a first-of-its-kind double lung transplant.
Doctors at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago successfully performed a “first-of-its-kind” double-lung transplant on a cancer ...