新年前夕,国家主席习近平通过中央广播电视总台和互联网,发表二〇二五年新年贺词。 [新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄] Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a New Year message through China ...
今天是太空与您相伴的【第2442期 】《祖国不会忘记》在茫茫的人海里Among the vast sea of people我是哪一个Which one is me在奔腾的浪花里Among the heaving waves我是哪一朵Which ...
The answer is Li Xiaopeng, Olympic Gymnastics Champion and International Gymnastics Hall of Fame Member. He won a total of 16 world titles in his career, surpassing the "Prince of Gymnastics" Li Ning, ...
在曲水亭街“老城故事”照相馆的橱窗里,展示着一幅充满老济南元素的画作。画家张国华用画笔记录济南的变迁,唤醒老济南的回忆。生在济南城、长在泉水边,画家张国华的创作内容基本上都是老济南的场景,用他的话说,“我童年的记忆就在这里” 。