红星资本局1月1日消息,国家电影局统计,2024年电影总票房达425.02亿元,观影总人次为10.1亿。其中,国产影片票房为334.39亿元,占比为78.68%。 资料配图 图据图虫创意 ...
Chinese women, who for thousands of years were denied their rights to read and write, develop a secret language they named ...
中证网讯(记者 康曦)近日,万兴科技与杜比实验室达成合作。万兴科技旗下视频创意软件Wondershare ...
In his 30th year as a performing artist, Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli takes the stage in his home town of Tuscany to celebrate his life in music.