The star exhibit at the 2024 World Manufacturing Convention—the French Company Alstom’s straddle monorail made a stunning ...
The financial footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in the Greek economy and its overall contribution in terms of GDP is ...
在齐鲁大地的苍穹上,繁星闪烁,其中最璀璨的星辰,名叫孔子。公元前551年,在山东曲阜这座古老的城市中,儒家学派的创始人——孔子诞生了,他的思想和智慧,照亮了千年的时空。 In the firmament over the land of Qilu, stars twinkle, among which the most dazzling one is named Confucius. In 551 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- A total of 36,968 new foreign-invested firms were established across China in the first eight months of 2024, marking an increase of 11.5 percent year on year, the ...
First, there was the Magnificent 7 of publicly traded companies: Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Microsoft Corporation (NYSE:MSFT), Nvidia Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA),, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), Alphabet ...
对于月经贫穷,第一个浮现在脑海的想法是——“原来马来西亚人有人穷到买不起卫生棉?”针对记者的这个疑问,本地月事健康组织Menses Health Organisation(MHO) ...
海关总署近日发布的数据显示,今年上半年,中国体育用品及设备出口同比增长16.7%,高出同期出口整体增速9.8个百分点。 Data from the World Trade Organization showed that global trade in sporting goods has nearly tripled in almost 30 years, and China has ...
NicolasDoucet,theproducerofRobot宇宙,statedthathewouldratherenjoypurepleasureforabriefperiodthanspenddozensofhoursplayingagamet ...
Looks at celebrated moments in the 2006 FIFA World Cup from the Italian team, covering a tumultuous period for one of European football's biggest teams and the story of a total squad effort.
The appointment booking period for application of Hong Kong identity card at Registration of Persons Offices is 96 working days. Applicants are advised to make prior appointment before they come to ...
BEIJING -- China on Friday unveiled three important archaeological discoveries of ruins from both the prehistoric age and the Xia Dynasty (2070 BC-1600 BC). The National Cultural Heritage Administrati ...