Climate and environmental protest is being criminalized and repressed around the world. The criminalization of such protests ...
Russia's leader provides a justification for every repression and restriction. With peace, battle-scarred veterans will ...
One of Karl Marx’s most persistent points, from “On the Jewish Question” forward, is that despite the formal freedoms that we ...
Former prisoners such as Aras Taleb Rashid, who was arrested for opposing Saddam Hussein, recall the similar methods of ...
When Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution began to make headlines around the world in 2011, nobody believed it would culminate in the ...
Branch 322 was one of hundreds of facilities that detained and interrogated civilians and military officers, and recruited ...
We thank the High Commissioner for his oral update and echo his concerns about the worsening human rights situation in ...
Since the July 28 election, in which plausibly two-thirds of voters rejected incumbent President Nicolás Maduro, Venezuelans ...
The report highlights the remarkable journey of the Bangladeshi people in overcoming political repression and paving the way ...
"In this environment, it is urgent that news organizations defend their editorial independence, rather than capitulate to ...
Rwanda tries to silence critics abroad by targeting relatives back home, at times arresting and torturing them, say former ...
The Iranian regime’s expansive definition of who constitutes a threat to the Islamic Republic contributes to the breadth and intensity of its transnational repression campaign. The Iranian regime’s ...