(亚庇26日讯)Anak Sabah Run 4.0 将于9月29日举行,800人报名参加,陈树平及阿兹莎顿主持挥旗礼。由自由民主党与沙巴卓越妇女协会联办的Anak Sabah Run 4.0将于2024年9月29日,早上6时举行。筹委会主席黄洁玟表示,路线分为4公里及8公里,前者路 ...
风靡全亚洲的唯一路跑系列赛「2024 Garmin Run 亚洲系列赛」热烈开跑,Garmin适逢35周年,扩大规模串联亚洲九大城市、海内外逾6万名跑者共襄盛举。第三届Garmin Run首站臺北于在大佳河滨公园盛大开跑,再次成为眾所 ...
Unfortunately, The Color Run™ Shanghai has been pushed back to October 26 due to typhoon season. We understand this change ...
TWICE 子瑜在上周发行首张 SOLO 专辑《aboutTZU》,近日也以主打歌〈Run Away〉展开一系列的宣传活动。     除了和成员们、歌手后辈一起舞蹈挑战(Challenge)外,子瑜也和舞王 ...
The North China Herald 北华捷报, founded by the British auctioneer Henry Shearman from Pickwoad and Co on August 3, 1850, was the ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...
(吉隆坡1日讯)“宝可梦迷”看过来!为回馈大众多年来的支持与厚爱,Julie’s Biscuits今年特别为粉丝们带来了大马首个以宝可梦为主题的跑步活动《Pokémon Run Malaysia 2024》!从即日起,在面子书按赞分享及转发《U 玩食 ...
Justin Yifu Lin, dean of Peking University's Institute of New Structural Economics, said that regions with development gaps ...