电动知家消息,9月18日,据路透社报道,法国汽车供应商协会负责人 Fiev 当天警告称,未来几年汽车行业将面临失去一半工作岗位的风险,理由是汽车销量下降、电动汽车市场放缓以及来自中国的竞争。 此外,法国车辆设备工业联合会主席 Jean-Louis ...
【摘要】为了适应软件定义汽车发展新趋势,促进汽车电子电气架构变革升级,阐述了软件定义汽车的驱动关键特征,深入研究了未来汽车新型电子电气硬件架构,探讨了面向服务软件架构(Service-Oriented Architecture,SOA)设计理念、分层模型和部署平台。在此 ...
据北京市教委消息,从今年秋季学期起,全市义务教育学校将把课间时间从10分钟延长至15分钟。 Beijing will extend the original 10-minute break between classes for compulsory education to 15 minutes starting this autumn semester, according to local ...
在北京举办的2024世界机器人大会上,27款人形机器人集中亮相,参展规模创历届之最。 During the 2024 World Robot Conference in Beijing, humanoid robots have made further strides in China, with a record 27 models at the event.
China will launch a series of trial operations of service-oriented social assistance across the country, according to a work plan released by the country's Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of ...