The most common symptom of an overactive bladder is a sudden, uncontrolled need or urge to urinate; followed by the need to urinate excessively throughout the day and night, independent of fluid ...
The number of acupuncture schools in the United States has continued to grow since the creation of the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) and the Council of ...
Acupuncture research is vitally important for the advancement of traditional East Asian medicine (TEAM). From basic science research findings to bedside implementation of acupuncture treatment, data ...
Most Americans have some back discomfort in their lifetime. Back pain is most often caused by a muscle or ligament strain or spasm; a disk problem; spondylosis; or stenosis. Stress can also be a ...
I learned an important principle from my great Taoist Master Sun Hak. He taught me that all people "leak" Jing, and that we can mitigate or stop this leaking, and as a result strengthen our life force ...
Anyone In the first part of this article, which appeared in the May issue, the historical perspectives and healing corollaries of the medical caduceus represented by the double-coiled serpent as they ...
The source text specifies to cook the ingredients in 12 cups [2400 mL] of water until 6 cups [1200 mL] of the liquid remain. Discard the residue and cook the strained decoction again until it is ...
In contemporary applications of acupuncture in North America, it is becoming increasingly common to hear patients complain that they are being challenged by their insurance carrier with the comment ...
One morning in 1972, Dr. Zhi-yun Bo was treating a patient suffering from intense low back pain and sciatica that resisted improvement. A sudden inspiration reminded him that the Governing Vessel and ...
After years of taking histories of my cancer patients I have noticed a marked connection between their core emotional issues, their most imbalanced chakras and the location of the tumors. Cancer ...
The field of acupuncture/Oriental medicine has seen a tremendous amount of growth since first bursting on the scene in the West some 30 years ago. Understandably, much of the growth in this field has ...
Figure 1: Individual hand and foot correspondence to the body. Nature appears to have designed the human body as a hologram of multiple overlapping micro-correspondence systems. The current stage of ...